Critical Costume 2015

‘What does it mean to study costume in the 21st century?’ 
25-27 March 2015, Helsinki, Finland
Aalto University, School of Arts, Design and Architecture

Convened and curated by Professor Sofia Pantouvaki, the second conference and exhibition was held at Aalto University in Helsinki, hosted by the Costume in Focus research group. Our second major event included over 220 international scholars and artists with representation from all five continents. Critical Costume 2015 (CC2015) ad-dressed the implications of research processes, new technologies and media for the study and practice of costuming today and in history. Contributions responded to the following themes: methodologies for researching costume in live performance, film and media; digital, interactive, and mediated costume, costume in media and media in costume; and new costume practices and performances. The event included keynotes from Prof. Deborah Landis (David C. Copley Center for Costume Design, UCLA School of Theater, Film & Television) and Prof. Peter McNeil (University of Technology Sydney) .

Research presented at Critical Costume 2015 was published in the launch issue of the peer-reviewed journal Studies in Costume and Performance.

Please use the adjacent links to view materials regarding CC2015.
